
The importance of ESG: a commitment to sustainability

ESG and Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)

In the modern business landscape, attention to sustainability is no longer an optional choice, but a strategic necessity.

Tastitalia is a leader in the field of HMI Solutions, the takeover of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) criteria is a key commitment to ensuring long-term success and creating value for all stakeholders.
We can provide the single component or simple processing, but what sets us apart in the market is the ability to deliver complex items that encapsulate multiple technologies, already assembled, tested, and ready to use.

What do we do concretely?

Constant and continuous investment in alternative energy in the name of sustainability.

Tastitalia has long had a particular sensitivity to environmental issues. The first environmental certification dates back to 2015, when ESG issues were not so heartfelt.

Since then, the predisposition toward E (Environment, responsible management of natural resources and on the reduction of environmental impact), S (Social, as the well-being of communities and employee relations in the first place) and G (Governance and ethics concerning the management structure and decision-making processes within the company and in business relationships) are the basis for the future of Tastitalia.


Measuring Environmental Impact for a Sustainable Future

Environmental metrics in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) assessment are crucial to understanding and improving a company’s ecological impact. These indicators assess various aspects such as management of greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency, use of natural resources, waste management and pollution. They also consider the sustainability of agricultural and forestry practices, biodiversity and ecosystem protection. By monitoring and improving these metrics, companies can reduce their environmental impact, contributing to a more sustainable and planet-friendly future.
The following details refer to 2023.


  • 255.227 Kwh produced with the solar panel

  • 42% of the consumption is self-generated energy

  • 3 charging stations

  • Energy diagnosis developed from 2021 covering up to 2026


  • 74% of waste destined for recovery
  • 96% of waste were made by a non-hazardous nature


  • 75 t Co2eq avoided thanks to the recovery created by photovoltaic panels
  • -40,28% Co2 produced in 2023 compared to 2022 following the standard Uni EN ISO 14064/1:2018

Social Metrics

The social metrics in the evaluation of ESG

The social metrics in the evaluation of ESG are the main indicators to measure the social impact of a company. These metrics include different aspects like work conditions, human rights, community engagement, human resource development, equity policies and customer welfare.
By measuring and improving these factors, companies can show their concrete commitment to social responsibility and sustainability, by supporting a fair and safe workplace, respecting the human rights, investing in local communities and guarantee the life’s quality of their employees and customers.

The following details refer to 2023

Accidents Hours of training course for the employees Of Women in Tastitalia Employees till 31/12/23
0 2012 hours 42% 67


Tastitalia Code of Ethics

Since 2017, Tastitalia is supervised by the Supervisory Body in accordance with Decree Law 231/2001.
Innovation, ethics and integrity are the pillars on which Tastitalia has founded its corporate culture, giving life to a system of values that has always supported relationships with customers, suppliers and all industrial and commercial partners.
Developing solutions in the field of human-machine interfaces allows us to improve people’s private and professional lives on a daily basis, constantly seeking new growth opportunities in the name of economic, social and environmental sustainability, with particular attention to the territories in which we operate.

Since 2020, Tastitalia has been part of the Lifco group with which it shares the Code of Conduct.
Within the company everyone is required to respect the behavioral guidelines: board of directors, employees, permanent and temporary collaborators without distinction. Each individual actively participates in the creation of a healthy, responsible and open work environment. We spread our values to external partners and emphasize the professional capabilities of everyone regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, political beliefs or disability, as required by the sustainable development goals based on the Declaration of Human Rights, the Global Compact of Nations Unite, on the ILO Principles of Labor Rights and on the OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises.

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TASTITALIA Code of Ethics >

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